
In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox

In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox

History of checkboxes and radio buttons in user interfaces


Hey #Coffee nerds! I’m doing a little research for an app I’m building. What are your favourite techniques for your #v60, #FrenchPress, #aeropress, #MokaPot etc? Links to videos/articles appreciated. 🙏 ☕️

Boost for visibility please and thank you. 🙇

Close up gif of Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks. A smile grows on his face as he savours the first sip of his cup of coffee.

Sometimes I get in a mood. #NamingThings

Screenshot of a slack conversion. I say "proprietor_of_wooden_materials, wizard_of_the_wood, conjurer_of_the_cuts, dealer_of_the_deciduous". My colleague replies "material_supplier it is. sorry Piet"

Cowl for the kiddo complete! Overall happy with it but the binding off ended up being looser than I’d have liked. Heyho. #knitting

completed multi shade blue cowl with a diamond shaped knitted pattern

Following up with the adult one. Originally intended for myself but my wife has strongly suggesting it would fit her better. 😛

an in progress dark green, brown, and grey cowl with a diamond shaped knitted pattern

Why not live flies?

Screenshot from The Guardian with the headline “Dead flies could be used to make biodegradable plastic, scientists say”

I think I might be a #MinMax knitter. I only do cowls, but I’m getting really good at them. 😛

Working on yet another #TinCanKnits cowl for my kid. Gonna work on a matching one for myself next. Really loving these colors.

mostly knitted cowl with a diamond shaped pattern. Colors are a range of blues going from a dark turquoise to navy blue back to turquoise
two balls of yarn that go from dark green to browns to pink

A jargon-free explanation of how AI large language models work

A jargon-free explanation of how AI large language models work

Want to really understand large language models? Here’s a gentle primer.


I've been working on a side project to help me organise my collection of gifs. It's a #SelfHostable #gif and #meme manager called Gifable. Check it out https://www.gifable.club. 🌈

Gif of a litter of kittens. A person tries to line them up for a photo but they stumble away immediately when placed.

Gifable - Your personal gif library

Gifable is a friendly place to keep your gifs, memes, and other reaction images so they’re easy to find right when you need them.


I did #BulletJournal for a few years with a pencil and notebook. I loved the process and having a space to reflect. But having to carry a notebook became impractical and I fell out of the habit.

Anyone have a favourite #journaling app or digital process? Especially interested in something with a portable format.

Watched #TheBear season 2 episode 6 last night. This was one of the most anxiety inducing and enthralling episodes of TV I've watched since #TheLastOfUs. What Christopher Storer is doing with this show is magic. 💖
